Tuesday, September 23, 2014

On Terminating "Terminal Pregnancies"

According to the government, my son Joses was not a real baby because he didn't breathe for sixty seconds outside of the womb. We never got a birth certificate. We do not get to put him on our taxes (it is not about the money it would save us either). It is like he never existed.

We felt his warmth. We kissed his cheeks. He had the same number of fingers and toes as any other baby. We held him as long as we could before he went for his surgery so he could give his heart valves so other babies might live. No one can tell me my son was not a human with as much value as anyone else.

When parents find out their child has Anencephaly, 95-98% of them decide to have an abortion. (The statistics are hard to track since they do not count as "real people" and you do not have to report it to anyone). If you are in a situation where your baby has been given a "life limiting" diagnosis, please consider carrying to term. According to the wonderful research at anencephaly.info, not one parent regrets making the decision to carry their Anencephaly baby to term. The same cannot be said for those who terminated their pregnancy early.

What is really sad is that the statistics are about the same for parents who find out their child has downs syndrome, a condition that is perfectly "compatible with life" (their term, not mine). 95-98% of parents kill their Down's syndrome child early on in their pregnancy. They say they are sparing their child from a hard life. It makes no sense to me. EVERYONE has a hard life and people with Down's syndrome are typically the happiest people you can meet. Have you ever met someone with Down's that does not LOVE hugs and has a huge smile on their face more often than not? I would love to see my Joses smile. I would go so deep in debt just to get one hug and hear him call me "Daddy." I am crying thinking about how many precious Down's babies are murdered every day.

I hate that people decide to kill their beautiful children. If anyone reading this post decides they do not desire to raise their child, Megan and I will take your baby. If you have any questions about what I have written, free to contact me: seththepreacher@gmail.com

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Three Months Later

Today marks three months since I said hello and goodbye to my son. We miss him so much. I would love to hold him, kiss him, and say "I love you" one more time. I would empty my bank account for five minutes with him. It is difficult to imagine having a three month old. Seeing little babies, especially boys always make me think of Joses. I can easily count fifteen (it seems like more) babies of my friends that were born within three months of Joses. Nine of them are boys. There are at least three dozen kids among our friends that will be within a year of him. For the rest of our lives, we will see pictures of these kids and know that Joses would be the same size, learning similar lessons, and getting into the same kind of mischief.

I say all of this to remind you to tell someone you love them. Give them an extra hug or kiss. If you are one of my friends or family with a daughter or son that is about the age Joses would be, I ask two favors. First, do not stop posting pictures of them. While we are happy for you, it hurts because we miss our son; but it is a hurt that we never want to go away. We want reminders of Joses every day. Second, give your child an extra hug today for me.

Thanks to God and His children, we are doing better than anyone expected. Please keep praying for us.